Friday, May 8, 2020

Entrepreneurship Is The Finding Of An Idea And Building It...

Entrepreneurship Definition: Entrepreneurship is the finding of an idea and putting it into action, in other words to start a business from an idea and building it to a profitable business. There are basically two types of entrepreneurs: * innovative entrepreneurs - bring new products, services and processes to the market, * replicative entrepreneurs – enter into existing markets with unique selling propositions. Qualities of good entrepreneurs: * You must have an absolute passion for what you do, you have to believe in what you do otherwise you will never follow through. * Ask for help and advise. * Have confidence in yourself and your †product† * Be creative and think outside the box. * Learn to delegate and trust the people you work with. * Be a very good communicator * You have to be able to work independently and take calculated risks. Contribution to the economy: Entrepreneurs basically change the way we live and work. Our standard of living can be improved should their innovations be successful. In addition to creating wealth from their entrepreneurial ventures entrepreneurs also create jobs and conditions for a prosperous society. Entrepreneurs play a vital role in the growth of the national income as well as raising the per capita income of the people. Entrepreneurs can promote international trade by selling their products abroad. The more consumers there are to purchase the products, the higher the profits. Entrepreneurs break away from tradition throughShow MoreRelatedIs It Worth The Time And Money?1162 Words   |  5 Pagessmall businesses were created in Canada each year. Entrepreneurship, a new field of study and increasingly growing more and more popular, individuals are starting to look into becoming entrepreneurs. 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To start a business offering a product, process or service, various entrepreneurial skills and business models are required for smooth functioning, but the most important aspect it to have an entrepreneurial mindset. This is drawn from opportunities, innovation and new value creation. Entrepreneurship is a practice of learning and exploring the world by being visionary, opportunistic and creative. Entrepreneurial MindsetRead MoreThe Talent Of An Entrepreneur1782 Words   |  8 Pages1. Introduction â€Å"Entrepreneurship is the ability to create and build something from practically nothing. It is initiating, doing, achieving and building rather than just watching, analysing and describing. It is the knack of sensing an opportunity where others see chaos, contradiction and confusion.† (Timmons, 1989) Being an entrepreneur or even thinking like as an entrepreneur, it is not something that you inherit when you born and it is not naturally internal talent. 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